Saturday, April 5, 2008

Create presentations and educational materials without breaking the law

As Alvin Trusty explains which kinds of works can be used in presentations and educational materials, he gives tips on how to make PowerPoint presentations effective. His presentation "How to create a great PowerPoint without breaking the law" can be found on TeacherTube.

Some points he made about making effective presentations are:

  • No reason to use bullet points.
  • Don't read your slides. Research shows that if you read the slides your audience will remember less than if they read it without your assistance.
  • Use color contrast. For examples, white on black, black on white, and black on light yellow. Avoid red on green.
  • Use no more than two different fonts.
  • Use at least 30 point font.
  • Use proper capitalization. Avoid all caps. May use all caps for 5 or fewer less.
  • Use only 2 types of transitions--fade through black and fade to smooth.
  • Build presentation without live Internet
  • Use Microsoft help for learning techniques in producing PowerPoint presentations.

He covered these topics when he explained copyright:

There are over 58 million pictures on Flickr that you are able to use for free because they have Creative Commons licenses. displays 200 Flickr photos on one page with an advance search feature. finds photos that you may edit.

The links that Alvin used in his presentation can be found on his page:

The video is 44 minutes long.

1 comment:

Peg Boyles said...

Thanks, Anne! A very useful compendium of information.

As an admirer of Edward Tufte, I prefer presentations that offer little or no text, leaving folks to wrestle with my text in a hard-copy handout or Web page. That way, I don't force people to read and listen simultaneously, which (for me anyway) often causes severe brain fog.